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English-News Europe Trip

US President Bush at Vatican meeting with Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI gave U.S. President George W. Bush a rare peak Friday of the Vatican Gardens, a spot where popes pray privately and only special guests are allowed to stroll.

Normally, VIPs are received in the pope's library in the Apostolic Palace. That's where Bush had his first meeting with Benedict in June 2007.

But in an apparent gesture of appreciation for the warm welcome Bush gave him in Washington in April, Benedict welcomed the president and first lady Laura Bush near St. John's Tower in the lush Vatican Gardens. After their meeting, scheduled to last a half hour, Bush and the pope were to walk through the gardens to see the Lourdes Grotto, which was donated to Pope Leo XIII at the turn of the century by French Catholics.

As the presidential motorcade bounded through downtown Rome, people leaned out of their balconies and popped out of their businesses to watch.

Bush's limousine pulled into St. Peter's Square and continued on to St. John's Tower, where he and Mrs. Bush were greeted by the pope. The two leaders were to take an elevator to the second floor for their private meeting. At the end, they were to pose for official photographs and exchanged gifts.

The president was to give the pontiff a photograph of the two of them in a sterling silver frame. Benedict was giving Bush a framed photograph and four volumes on St. Peter's Basilica. Members of the presidential entourage received rosaries and medals of the pontificate.

Bush and Benedict share much common ground, particularly in opposing abortion, gay marriage and embryonic stem cell research. But they disagree on other issues, including the war in Iraq, the death penalty and the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba.

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